I am a postdoc at the University of Copenhagen. My research is in computational complexity and discrete mathematics, with a focus on lower bounds in proof complexity and optimization.
• Supercritical tradeoffs: from Weisfeiler-Leman to resolution, and applications via tight lifting
In preparation
• Sum-of-Squares lower bound for Non-Gaussian Component Analysis
Joint with Ilias Diakonikolas, Sushrut Karmalkar, and Aaron Potechin
FOCS 2024
• Graph colouring is hard on average for polynomial calculus and Nullstellensatz, 2023.
Joint with Jonas Conneryd, Susanna de Rezende, Jakob Nordström, and Kilian Risse
FOCS 2023
• SoS lower bound for exact planted clique, 2021.
CCC 2021
• On CDCL-based proof systems with the ordered decision strategy, 2019.
Joint with Nathan Mull and Alexander Razborov
SAT 2020, SICOMP 2022
• Large clique is hard on average for resolution, 2019.
CSR 2021